Wednesday, September 14, 2016

WK 10 EOC: My Plans for the Future

Today we were asked one of the toughest questions posed to most mid-twenty individuals.... What are your plans for the future??? I have goals set for my very near future as well as were I want to see myself in about 10 years. After graduating from AI, I plan to join the peace corp and take the information and skills I have gathered from my education and share them in the youth division of the corp. While serving in the corp, I hope to learn as much as I possibly can about the foods served in the country I am assigned to while being a part of an amazing team that is going to help shape and mold the youth of that region! Once I come back from the corp, I plan to come back to Vegas and study under a chef I know who was the executive chef for a culinary team that prepared meals for a band. I hope to gain the experience and knowledge necessary from him to be able to branch out and work as a private chef for a band within the next ten years. I am already gaining experience in the private chef-ing and catering sector by interning, and now working for a catering company called "Delightful Chefs". My superiors are a doing great job at teaching me both the financial and execution side of owning a catering company. One of the items that I have learned will be necessary for me to become a bands private chef is networking. In the culinary industry It is all about networking. By building a network of business contacts, I will be able to have communications with individuals who can help lead me to a potential band to work for.

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